RASASC NW Counselling

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RASASC NW offer specialist support and counselling for all adults from the age of 18 upwards. We can offer women only and men only spaces.

If you have experienced sexual abuse the effects can be devastating and long-lasting. Our specialist therapists are trained to give you emotional support, and help you resolve some of the difficulties you are experiencing. Our therapists won’t hurry you or judge you. The work will happen in your own time and on your own terms.

Each therapy session lasts an hour and will normally be the same day and time every week, with the same counsellor. However, if you just want to chat with someone over the phone, try the Live fear free helpline which is open 24/7 on 0808 80 10 800.

Counselling & how we work at RASASC NW

What is Counselling?

Counselling aims to help you deal with and overcome issues that are causing pain or making you feel uncomfortable. It can provide a safe and regular space for you to talk and explore difficult feelings. Your counsellor is there to support you, they will respect your views and will not judge you. They will not give advice, but will help you to find your own insight and understanding of your problems.

In the counselling sessions the client can explore various aspects of their life and feelings, talking about them freely and openly in a way that is rarely possible with friends or family.  Bottled up feelings such as anger, anxiety, grief and embarrassment can become very intense and counselling offers an opportunity to explore them, with the possibility of making them easier to understand. (BACP 2004)

Our Ethos at RASASC

All workers and volunteers who work for RASASC hope to provide a safe space for you to discuss your thoughts and feelings, free from judgements and advice giving.
We respect your right to arrive at your own decisions and work with you to find the path that best suits you and your values.

To sign up for counselling or to find out more about the service please call 01248 670 628. We will take some basic details over the phone and add you to our waiting list for an initial assessment appointment with one of our specially trained support workers or counsellors. You can also refer yourself using our online referral form.

This is a meeting with a specially trained and experienced support worker or counsellor to discuss your needs and for you to ask any questions about the service. The RASASC specially trained worker will ask some questions about your support network, physical and mental health and experience of sexual trauma.

Your initial assessment will be returned to the office and assessed on what course of action, counselling and/or support is best for your needs. If counselling is suitable, you will enter our counselling waiting list and a counsellor will be allocated to you as soon as one becomes available.

Your counselling sessions will be discussed with your counsellors and usually takes place weekly at a pre-arranged time and venue.

This varies constantly across counties, our current wait time is 2-4 months.

RASASC NW can offer weekly telephone support through The Live Fear Free Helpline and will be discussed and explained with you during your assessment. This will be arranged through RASASC office if consent is given.

Your counsellor will explore with you, your expectations and needs are from counselling.

For more detailed information about the counselling process please follow the links below:

Confidentiality statement

Counselling takes place by appointment weekly. The counselling process is reviewed on a regular basis, usually every 6-weeks. This is just to make sure that it is beneficial to the client and that we are the most appropriate service for the client.

Counselling takes place by appointment weekly. The counselling process is reviewed on a regular basis, usually every 6-weeks. This is just to make sure that it is beneficial to the client and that we are the most appropriate service for the client.

Where does Counselling take place?

Counselling is provided online, by telephone or face to face depending on preference and Risk Assessments. Our service is ageless and genderless, however we do offer women only and men only spaces in our Bangor Centre upon request.

If you cannot come to your appointment, please give as much notice as possible, contacting your counsellor or office.

If you miss 2 consecutive sessions or 3 sessions in total without appropriate notice or reasonable explanation, in the interests of fairness your slot will then be offered to the next person on the waiting list. You are welcome though to phone us back at a later date if you feel ready to talk to someone.

Reflecting on yourself and your experiences in counselling can be painful. If you or your counsellor feel it is not a suitable time for therapy, there are other types of services that may be helpful and can be explored with your counsellor. You are welcome to access our service at a later date should you change your mind.